佳妮英评网 少儿英语 理论知识:零基础学英语口语


零基础快速学英语听说读写三个月全搞定想真正快速学会英语的抓住机会哦 零基础学英语口语:Turning over a new leaf 【1 1 英文】 Angela: “Wow. Look how polite your son has become.” Andy: “Yes. We had a big talk with him,and he has really turned over a new leaf.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉噢你的儿子变得多有礼貌了呀 安 迪是的我们和他认真地谈过了他真的开始了崭新的一页 【1 1 解析】 Turning over a new leaf is like turning over a new page (“leaf”) in your life and seeing what is on the other side. 中文意思翻开新的一页。 【1 1 英文】 Angela: “This cake is excellent. Where did you buy it?” Andy: “Actually零基础学英语口语教材推荐, my mother made it from scratch.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉这块蛋糕太棒了你从哪里买的 安 迪事实上我妈妈自己学着做的 【1 1 解析】 You start from scratch in cooking when you cook a meal starting with only the smallest food ingredients. 中文意思从起跑线开始,从头开始。

】 Angela: “Sorry I was late for the meeting today. I got stuck in traffic.” Andy: “That’s okay. Better late than never.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉对不起今天开会去晚了因为交通很拥挤。 安 迪没关系晚来总比不来好。 Angela: “My brother started investing money when he was 16 years old.” Andy: “The early bird catches the worm.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉我的哥哥 16 岁就知道投资了 安 迪那可是捷足先登呀 【1 1 解析】 教你快速学会英语快速记住 4000 以上单词的秘密 零基础快速学英语听说读写三个月全搞定想真正快速学会英语的抓住机会哦 The early bird catches the worm means that the person who arrives early will be successful. 中文意思早行动早成功捷足先登。

Angela: “Everyone wants to go except for you. Why do you have to rock the boat?” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉每个人都想去只有你例外为什么一定要捣乱呢 【1 1 解析】 People in a group on a small boat need to work together. If one person moves suddenly理论知识:零基础学英语口语, the whole boat could rock dangerously. 中文意思捣乱不合群。 camel’s back 【1 1 英文】 Angela: “He came to work late every day that week. Then on Friday, he didn’t show up at all.” Andy: “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉那周上班他每天都来晚而到了星期五他根本就没出现。 安 迪那可是让人彻底失望哟 Angela: “Mom,will you have time to help me with my homework today?” Andy: “Sorry零基础学英语口语教材推荐, I won’t. I’ll be working against the clock to finish my presentation.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉妈妈今天又时间帮我做作业吗 教你快速学会英语快速记住 4000 以上单词的秘密 安 迪不好意思我要赶时间完成我的报告书。

【1 1 解析】 You are working against the clock when you are trying to finish your work within a limited amount of time. 中文意思赶时间完成某件事情。 Angela: “I’m so busy. I don’t know how will get this done.” Andy: “You’re not the only one with a lot to do. We are all in the same boat.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉我太忙了真不知道如何完成。 安 迪不知是你有那么多工作做我们一样呀 零基础快速学英语听说读写三个月全搞定想真正快速学会英语的抓住机会哦 【1 1 解析】 When people forget that they are part of a team, we can remind them by saying,”We are all in the same boat”. 中文意思处境相同。 【1 1 英文】 Angela: “I hope you can help me. I want to learn the ins and outs.” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉希望你能够帮助我我想了解一下细节情况。

【1 1 解析】 When you add the s and say the ins and outs零基础学英语口语教材推荐, you are talking about the special ways that you know to do something, when you know it very well. 中文意思细节。 Angela: “Why can’t you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to go against the grain?” 【1 1 中文】 安吉拉为什么你不能按照别人的方式去做呢怎么总是个格格不入 【1 1 解析】 You go against the grain when you make life more difficult by acting against the wishes of others. 中文意思违背别人的想法做事。教你快速学会英语快速记住 4000 以上单词的秘密


作者: admin

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