佳妮英评网 英语资讯 英语日常口语问答汇总:关于提前面试英语的10个问题


21 August







如果背景、经历都不是特别出色,英语口语这一项的得分,无疑是必争之地 ;对于背景好的同学英语日常口语问答汇总,英语多加练习,也会让你 成功的几率更大。

对于 IMBA 项目英语日常口语问答汇总,对于英语的要求相对较高,可能会要求 提供 GMAT 成绩,来证明你的英语能力,在口语测试这一环节,会涉及比较难英语日常口语问答汇总:关于提前面试英语的10个问题,比较专业的问题。

我们将英语面试中,常见的一些问题进行了总结,并提供了回答的示例,这中间有很多句子,读者可以进行背诵,作为 基础的句式准备,在遇到相关的问题时,可以灵活运用。


// What are your short-term and long-term goals?

how do you plan to achieve it?

Sample Answer 1:

In the short term, I hope I can help manage a large-scale project with the aim of extending social services to under-served educational institutions. At college, I was fortunate to take a few courses on the history of these curriculums and trends at the time. It is a meaningful area, and I believe that with the organizational skills I have developed through my internships, along with MBA education, I will bring many skills and creative ideas to a project like that.

My long-term goal is to serve as the head of a retail store in a major Fortune 500 retail company.Over the past few years, I have been preparing for this goal by studying marketing and management in college.


I learned a great deal about how to lead marketing campaigns and how to manage a small store. I wanted to translate this knowledge in the real world, so I took a job in a small retail chain for two years. I received a broader range of responsibilities than I would have received in a larger chain, and it was a very valuable experience.

I am now ready to move into a national chain, where I hope to draw on both my academic and professional experiences.

Sample Answer 2:

In five years I hope to be serving as a manager of one of the restaurants in this chain. I would enjoy the challenge of building a strong branch and adapting marketing practices to the local environment, so that my branch would become a high-revenue-earning one.

My education has helped me prepare for that by introducing me to broad principles of economics. And the fact that I have worked for a competitor chain gives me a good alternative perspective that I can draw on. I have already served as a junior 233assistant manager and have experience building a successful staff and contributing to key marketing campaigns.


I believe MBA program will help me to achieve this goal.

The End








作者: admin

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