佳妮英评网 零基础英语 如何自学英语,有哪些英语资源可以利用



With a certain amount of vocabulary, you should start reading a large number of articles with the pronunciation of a foreign standard. You should read it in large quantities, finish it, listen to it, and then, by the way, accumulate words. After the word is over, forget to pay attention to make sentences, through the phonetic notation, you can directly enhance the recognition of unfamiliar vocabulary and speech, then do listening, those conversations are no longer vague. Because when you recite words at the same time remember their pronunciation, and vice versa remember to read pronunciation will deepen the spelling memory, this should be done to give a pronunciation even if you do not know can spell the word about its level. To read a lot, finished reading, and then repeated, the way to accumulate words.



Choose your own listening material. English articles, you can understand 95% again, that article is too simple; if the article you can only understand a few words, too difficult. Appropriate listening materials need to understand more than half, the basic understanding of the main content of the article. Hearing material should not be too long about 1-3 minutes. Full text listen again, met do not understand the place. Normal continue, not suspended, do not re-listen. Began to sentence-by-sentence dictation, do not understand a word repeatedly heard, write down to hear the content. guess the word according to the pronunciation of the context. Finally, read the text, read the material along with hearing.






4.BBC learning English、VOA、PRN课程英文,CNN又多档节目涵盖入门英语如何,进阶线上学英语,和高阶英语水平的听众英语补习班,非常适合提高英语听力和口语水平。



作者: admin

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