佳妮英评网 英语资讯 这些方法都不知道,还说自己认真练了雅思口语?



Fluency & Coherence


1. Repeat after a recording复述练习

The Frst time you repeat it will probably beslower than the actual recording so keep repeatinguntil you gain the same speed as the native speaker.Be aware that you may need to use sound links,contractions and weakened forms to match theirspeed.



2. Repeat the same topic重复练习相同的主题

The first time you say a Part 2 topic, forexample, you will produce a somewhat slow responsewith little information. The more often you repeatit, the more fluently your response should come out.Remember when you begin to produce more fluentanswers, you will need to add more information toensure that you keep talking for 1-2 minutes.

刚开始练习口语测试的Part 2时,你的反应会较慢,头脑中的资料会比较少,重复练习可以改善这种状况。记住这些方法都不知道,还说自己认真练了雅思口语?,当你讲得比较流利后,你就必须提供充分的资料来让你的回答足以持续~2分钟。

3. Use it or lose it 尽可能使用新词汇

The reason why you pause or hesitate is often insearch of vocabulary which is not readily availableto you. The more you use a word, the more likely itwill become active vocabulary. By the same token ifyou never use a word that you have learnt, it isdestined to be forgotten.


4. Focus on English, not IQ专注在英文能力上

Another reason why you may break down is that youhave no opinion.As a student about to study yourMaster’s Degree, of course you want to sound veryeducated and knowledgeable, but remember IELTS stands for International English Language TestingSystem, it’s not an IQ test. Examiners are testingyour English not your intelligence. If you can’tthink of a smart response, then say somethingobvious, boring, or even stupid but use good Englishwhile you are doing so. Saying something is betterthan nothing. If you say nothing then you losepoints in each criterion, not just fluency. If yousay something stupid, you will still gain points ineach criterion. The only thing you may lose is facebut who cares? You’ll never see the examiner again.


5. Read, read, read阅读各类型的文章

Again if you break down due to a lack of opinionsthen start reading up on a variety of topics and payparticular attention to different people’s opinions.Nobody ever has a totally original opinion-everyonecopies and adapts a number of ideas from variouspeople when formulating their own opinion.


6. Don’t be shy for 11-14 minutes 暂时抛开害羞的个性

Even if you are shy in your native country usingyour native language-a person known to be of fewwords, you will have to change your personality fora mere 11~14 minutes as the examiner can only makean evaluation of what he/she hears. Again, if theyhear nothing or very little, then it will affecteach criterion. Try to be as tallcative as possibleand say as much as possible.


7. Use signpost expressions 使用“指引性”的词语

Signpost expressions are words that givethelistener some direction, for example: Firstly, Bythis I mean, For instance, In contrast, To behonest. All these expressions give the listener someidea of what kind of information to expect next,which makes it easier to follow and understand theconversation.

使用一些“指引性”的词语,给听者指引方向,让听者能立即且清楚地知道你要表达的信息,例如:Firstly(首先)、Bythis I mean(我的意思是)、For instance(例如)、Incontrast(相反)、To be honest(老实说)。

Lexical Resource


1. Read, read, read尽可能多地阅读文章

Read something you enjoy reading; the more you enjoyit, the more you will read and the more you read,the more vocabulary you will learn. It doesn’tmatter if you are reading a signpost on the streetor Harry Potter-you can learn English anywhere andeverywhere.


2. Review, review, review复习,复习,再复习

If you don’t review, you will forget. It is oftenboring to review, but it is absolutely essential toretain and consolidate vocabulary learnt. There’sno point learning new words, in fact it would be awaste of time if you can’t even remember the wordsyou have learnt previously.


3. Use an English-English dictionary 使用英一英字典

It may be difficult at first but it will havefar-reaching effects, as every time you learn a newword you will be reviewing old vocabulary. Thesedays learner dictionaries only use around 2,000 ofthe most common words found in the English language.Such a vocabulary base should already be developedby the stage a student gets to high school. Atranslator may have short-term benefits but willonly slow you down in the long run.


4. Use it or lose it尽可能使用新词汇

Always try to use new words in conversation orwriting as this is the best way to remember a word. The more you use it, the easier it will be to recallnext time you wish to use it.


5. Practise paraphrasing练习改述

As a non-native speaker, it doesn’t matter howmany words you learn; there will always be a timewhen you don’t know the word for something you wishto express.This will be even more likely when youare in a test and you are feeling nervous, tired andmaybe even scared. Therefore it’s important that youhave the ability to paraphrase. Open up any book oreven a dictionary and see if you can describe a wordusing other words-you may use a synonym, parallelexpression or even a sentence to describe yourmeaning. Even native speakers use this technique aseveryone’s mind goes blank from time to time.


6. Learn ail word forms学习所有的词性变化

Students most commonly use an incorrect word form,that is, they use a noun when they should use a verbor they use an adjective when they should use anadverb.When you learn a new word also find out whatthe part of speech is and what the other word formsare.



Grammatical Range and Accuracy


1. Record yourself 录下自己的声音

Often when you are speaking you don’t realise howmany mistakes you make or what they are. You’ll besurprised that you can actually pick up a lot ofmistakes yourself if you replay your talk, and bycopying it down, it will probably bring out evenmore errors. Once you’ve noted your most commonerrors, get yourself a grammar practice book andpractise your weaknesses.


2. Take apart and reconstruct sentences 分解、重组句子结构

Open up any book and choose a sentence. Break upthe sentence into smaller sentences and then withoutreferring back to the original sentence see if youcan put it back together again. In the IELTS youwill need to be able to produce both short andcomplex sentence forms.You will not get a high scoreif you only use short simple sentences for the sakeof accuracy.


3. Practise linking words and expressions 练习使用连词

The easiest way to make a sentence sound more complex is by using a linking word. Get yourself a grammar book and practise using conjunctions and linking words.


4. Read, read, read 持续阅读

The more you read, the more good grammar you willcome across.The more accurate and complex grammaryou are exposed to, the more likely it is that someof it will rub off on you.




1. Note down phonemics记下单词的音节

When you learn a new word, it is essential that you also learn how to say it otherwise you can use it in writing but not in speaking. By learning and using the phonemic script for each new word you learn, you will feel more confident when it comes to using it verbally.



2. Repeat after a recording 复述练习

Practise repeating after a recording over and over again. The first time you may have the clarity but you will most likely be missing the other native speech patterns such as word and sentence stress, rhythm and intonation, sound links, weakened forms and contractions. Keep practising until it sounds identical to the native speaker.


3. Read aloud大声念出来

This will help you to improve your motor skills. As English is not your mother tongue, your mouth will not be used to using certain muscles. Therefore they need to be given a workout as often as possible. If you read aloud a tapescript it will give you the opportunity also to listen and check your pronunciation.


4. Listen, listen, listen多听

The more you listen, the more familiar the sounds of the English language will become to you. This will assist in predicting the pronunciation of new words in case you do not have a dictionary handy to look up the phonemics.





作者: admin

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