佳妮英评网 少儿英语 意外:职场英语之白领场景:电脑危机 Computer Crisis

意外:职场英语之白领场景:电脑危机 Computer Crisis

职场英语白领场景:电脑危机 Computer Crisis

职场英语口语在实际的工作中学习职场英语,还是比较常见的。对于一些经常需要用英语口语的职业,大家还是需要加强这方面的提升,这样对于我们的整个工作顺利成都意外:职场英语之白领场景:电脑危机 Computer Crisis,未来的职场晋升都有很好的帮助。而且也能够帮助我们提升职场技能。具体的职场英语口语都有哪些呢?小编为大家整理了“职场英语之白领场景:电脑危机 Computer Crisis”相关内容学习职场英语,供大家参考。

Episode 44: Language to use for dealing with computer problems 处理电脑问题时用的语言

At the offices of Tip Top Trading there appears to be a bit of computer trouble. Everyone's work seems to have disappeared and even Denise can't fix the problem. This is serious. So who can sort it out?

Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use when sorting out a problem with your computer.

Phrases from the programme:

I am having problems with my computer. 我的电脑出问题了。

The screen keeps freezing. 屏幕经常就不动了。

I seem to have lost some documents. 我好像丢了一些文档。

I have turned the computer off and on but that hasn't fixed it. 我已经开机关机好几次了,但没用。

Can you help, please? 你能帮忙吗?




What did the first company that Anna called, sell? Anna 打电话咨询的第一家公司是销售什么产品的?

Answer: plastic toys for cats.


以上就是为大家整理的“职场英语之白领场景:电脑危机 Computer Crisis”相关内容,更多职场英语口语精彩内容学习职场英语,请关注本频道的持续更新!


作者: admin

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