佳妮英评网 英语口语 【EducationUSA线上活动】美国留学在线咨询讲座,6月23日,周四


EducationUSA在线咨询 | EducationUSA Webinar Series


Study in the U.S. Webinar Series

时间:6月23日【EducationUSA线上活动】美国留学在线咨询讲座,6月23日,周四,周四美国留学咨询美国留学咨询,19:00 – 20:00

Time:Thursday, June 23, 19:00 – 20:00


Onlineaccess:You can joinZoom using Meeting ID:


Whatopportunities are available to you after you graduate from a U.S.university? What does “OPT” mean? How can you leverage your U.S.university degree to advance your career in China? This webinar willshare ideas for how to maximize your U.S. educational experience. Expertguest speakers will talk about alumni networks and career opportunities inShanghai and beyond. This free webinar, delivered in Chinese, is also aplatform for you to ask questions and get objective and complete answers.


作者: admin

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