佳妮英评网 成人英语 归纳总结:官方原题Official48考托独立口语Task1原题+解析+思路+范文







Students study in a variety of ways. Explain how your study habits are different from those of other students you know.

1. 答题要领:

(1)Specifically tell the examiner what your study habits are and why they are different from those of other students.

(2) Ideally specify 2 details further explaining the differences.

2. 观点提示

(1)emphasize efficiency

1)Unlike my fellow classmates, I never study late at night because I would be too tired to learn anything.

2)I would like to study early in the morning when I am energetic.

(2)learn through mobile apps

1)There are abundant mobiles apps such as

2)I can learn anytime and anywhere I wish.

3. 模板

(1)Every one has his/her own study habits. As to me

(2)To begin with



I study differently than the rest of my classmates. When I study, I need to have a quiet and calm place in order to concentrate on what I am working on. Other students in my class prefer to have the radio or television on which is too distracting to me. I find I draw my attention to the song that is playing or the plot of the story on television. I waste too much time focusing on that instead of focusing on my task. Also, I am an avid note-taker. During lectures, not only do I take a lot notes but I also record the professor so that if I miss anything or need to go over again, I can simply listen to what they said in order to have complete notes. My friends on the other hand, take few notes or even sleep in class!



作者: admin

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