佳妮英评网 零基础英语 快速学好英语的方法:没有考生不想得高分!大考临近 怎么实现英语作文写得质量优效率高

快速学好英语的方法:没有考生不想得高分!大考临近 怎么实现英语作文写得质量优效率高






多数考生用模板写英语看似暂时受益实则“好看不好‘用’”实则难受益快速学好英语的方法,这一问题备受社会关注,特别是广大考生及其老师。在不少考生心目中快速学好英语的方法:没有考生不想得高分!大考临近 怎么实现英语作文写得质量优效率高,原本能写出个性化的英语作文却按模板写作,阻挡了发散思维的去路,成为了不折不扣的“模板奴”。这源于英语书面表达目标就是为考试,导致写英语的模板,考前猛背猛套、赶着“热乎气儿”进考场,考后忘个光就不会写英语。更别提未来工作写实用英语真实的能力了。



例如,写一篇以“Some people think that the government should decide which subject students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion.”为题的英语作文如下

Education received by Student at university seems to have won their soul. As required for this purpose, subjects need offering on natural science and social one. They decide on whether success is in development of business for students to do after leaving the university or not. This means the education leads to socially new direction taking rightly or wrongly.

The good direction complies with long-term programs as outlined by educational section at government level, that is expected to hear opinions from students about subjects. They consist of a range of subjects, for example, compulsory lessons as well as arts and science, and academic, optional, specialist ones, relating to their majors. These, having been learned with reference to students, are with the general intention of the government. That allows freedom of choice to beavailable to students decidedly, being favorable for their future careers together with making it easy to find a job interesting to them.

This helps to achieve a solution to a choice of subjects area done in practice, one mutually agreeable by students and government. The former appears perfectly happy with their choices. The latter tries to attain the goal in the national education of services provided to students so well as to strategically develop the economy, industry, science and sociability, etc. Accordingly, the government is enabled to pay for the sufficiently huge funds. This gets a wealth of talents cultivated out of universities in China, that is made great, strong, stable and prosperous, one of major countries regarded as being economic growth of the world.

As the above brings me to realize, better decision on subjects by the government is fundamental to the well-being of building China into well-educated one of countries, which is to be ranked in the top 5 perhaps in the world. This results from the fore-said subjects suitable for students, who would reach intellectually educational standard, especially an excellent quality improved of courses taken in line with demand for markets and for scientific research in full-time and part-time schedules.

This helps me find it necessary for rules and regulations to leave students with freedom of choice about subjects. They are encouraged to respect wide-ranging programs set up by government on subjects. This keeps education efficient at the maximum by their learning each other's strong points on the choice in question, in my view.


此篇英语作文作者“压根儿”就没有背诵过范文,以及什么“神”模板…,请考生记住:世界上就不存在“模板”之说,因为一篇文章便是一个人的思维思想的体现。这源于“英语是逻辑思维语言,不是模板语言,思维是英语之灵魂”,比如中国官方英语媒体《中国日报》(CHINA DAIL)的每一篇文章,都是各不相同的。还有国外媒体《金融时报》(FINANCIAL TIMES)及《纽约时报》(The New York Times)上的文章也都是不重样的。



作者写作上述英语作文之体会,也许会帮助大考考生达到——“没有考生不想得高分!大考临近 怎么实现英语作文写得质量优效率高”——之梦想成真!



作者: admin

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