佳妮英评网 零基础英语 职场英语词汇:助你加速扩充词汇量,英孚教育职场英语放大招



1)Form a habit of reading news! The subjects of news are diverse, including real-life social issues and current political affairs happening around the world. Insisting on reading news everyday will help you accumulate new vocabulary whilst expanding your knowledge.


Eg. David is an accountant in a foreign bank, in order to understand international economic dynamics, he uses the time he commutes every day to read English versions of international economic news. After a period of time, he did not only enlarge his vocabulary rapidly, but he also accumulated a great deal of information about the world economy.


2)Read and listen to original audio books. It will help you better understand new words in context. You can listen to the difficult paragraphs again and again, to confirm the words and enlarge your vocabulary.


Eg. In college, Amy chose to listen to stories and novels in order to increase her English vocabulary. Every time she came across words she didn t know, she would write them down. Then she would listen to the sentences and whole passages again. The storyline and context helped to deepen her understanding of new words and learn how to use them.


作者: admin

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