佳妮英评网 英语资讯 天下布魔英语:哪吒票房破7亿 用英语如何介绍哪吒

天下布魔英语:哪吒票房破7亿 用英语如何介绍哪吒




就这样,两种命中注定的人,在机缘巧合下,成为了彼此唯一的朋友。但那时候的哪吒和敖丙还不知道天下布魔英语:哪吒票房破7亿 用英语如何介绍哪吒,他们马上面对的,将是命运的惩罚。


哪吒的英文就是汉语拼音Ne zha。Nezha is a protection deity in Chinese folk religion. His official Taoist name is “Marshal of the Central Altar” (中壇元帥). He was then given the title “Third Lotus Prince” (蓮花三太子) after he became a deity.

deity n.神

Taoist adj.道教的

Nezha has frequently appeared in Chinese mythology and ancient Chinese literature such as Fengshen Yanyi (or Investiture of the Gods), although the story of Nezha conquering the sea is the most well known among Chinese households. In Journey to the West, Nezha was a general under his father, “Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King” Li Jing.


作者: admin

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