佳妮英评网 少儿英语 京版云英语下载:2022年全球创新与创业云项目(GE2)学员招募通知




“中美印全球创新与创业交流项目”是南京邮电大学管理学院与马萨诸塞大学(University of MassachusettsLowell)洛威尔分校曼宁商学院、印度KLE理工大学工程技术学院共同发起,每年定期举办的国际交流合作活动。自2015年以来京版云英语下载,该项目已成功举办了12期,极大推动广大学生的国际视野与创新创业思维。





(1)学习成绩优良,具有扎实的专业理论基础和实践能力,平均绩点GPA达到 2.5 以上;





Dear students,

Given challenges associated with holding in-person programs and building on the success of previous virtual GE2 workshops, we are pleased to announce that we will again offer a no-cost virtual GE2 program in the Summer of 2022.

The workshop will run from July 11th– July 15th, 2021. The 5-day virtual workshop will consist of teamwork/mentoring from 8:00-9:00 EST and lecturing/instruction from 9:00 – 10:30 AM EST each day. We plan to cover a substantial amount of the material we would normally cover in a physical workshop. Students will compete in a pitch contest as part of the program.Students that attend all 5 days and participate in the GE2 Pitch Contest will receive an acknowledgement of completion.

As part of the summer GE2 program, we will be leveraging a morestructured registration and team formation process. The GE2 Application Platform will allow those students with ideas to register as team captainsusing a variety of approaches, including UMass Lowell, Gmail and Outlook email accounts. Those seeking teams will register using the same validation approaches and then apply to join specific teams. Exceptions will behandled by GE2 staff.

The workshop is freeto your students and faculty. The attached overview provide shighlights on the workshop. In addition, a more detailed flyer isprovided. Registration links are included in both.

We lookforwardto your participation. Please have your students register by June 17th. Note that we will be limiting the workshopto fixed total participants, so encourage your students to register soon!


作者: admin

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