同学女:Mmm, this coffee is really strong.
同学男:I like it that way.
同学女:So do I,all during my last class I was thinking about coming here and could almost taste the coffee.
同学男:sounds like it wasn't too exciting.
同学女:I was bored to death, I'm in that class only because it's a requirement so I have to stick it out, the problem is, the professor doesn't know how to spark our interest, she just walks in and lectures, there's no discussion.
Be boring to death: 英文解释:be extremely boring 中文意思是无聊到死
Stick it out: 英文解释:continue something to the end, even if there are problem.中文意思是坚持到底
Spark someone’s interest(in): 英文解释:create an unusual amount of interest (in something)
同学男:What a drag, don't people ask questions?
What a drag!真无聊,真没劲
同学女:Oh yeah,once in a blue moon but I always see an awful lot of people doodling and I can tell their minds are wandering. Do you have any classes like that?
Once in a blue moon: 英文解释:very rarely; not often 中文意思:千载难逢; 百年不遇
同学男:I have only one big lecture class-world history, and the professor's the best. It's so
interesting I'm always on the edge of my seat, and when we have discussions the room is filled with electricity.
Be on the edge of one’s seat: 英文解释:be extremely interest in listening or watching something
同学女:I'm jealous, too bad I already took world history.
同学男:You know one day it dawned on me that I was lucky to be in her class because I
found myself thinking a lot about what she said. Did you ever have a teacher like that?
It dawned on someone: someone suddenly thought of something.某人突然明白……
同学女:I'd have to think about it, I don't know.
同学男:You should come with me to class sometime just to see what I mean.
同学女:Sounds like you're in love with her, Steve.
同学男:Very funny, she could be my grandmother, anyway I guess what it really comes down to is her enthusiasm for the subject. she just loves history. I remember at the beginning of the semester, I was fooling around a lot and not taking anything in school very seriously. I bombed the first history test, but then I buckled down because I started really enjoying school, especially her class.
What it comes down to is… 英文解释:the main point/ the bottom line is… 中文意思:归根结底是……
Fool around(with/in) 英文解释:do nothing constructive or nothing in particular中文意思:吊儿郎当;瞎胡混;乱搞
Bomb (a test): 英文解释:fail (a test) 考试考砸了
Buckle down: 英文解解释:start to work seriously 中文意思是:全力以赴,拼尽全力
同学女:You've got me really curious about this teacher. I think I'll take you up on your idea to visit your class, when does it meet?
Take someone up on something: 英文解释:accept an invitation or an offer 中文意思是接受某人的提议
Get (make) someone curious about: 使某人对……好奇。
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