佳妮英评网 英语口语 雅思口语机考:雅思口语:Describe an interesting public plac

雅思口语机考:雅思口语:Describe an interesting public plac


是的,继上次雅思口语的street you like to visit,这次雅思考官又问我们interesting public place,真是interesting(呵呵)了是不是….

雅思口语地点类话题,大家不要把它们孤立起来,很多时候,他是可以跟事件类啦或者其他的地点类话题联系起来的!我们来小小的纵观一下雅思口语机考,考过restaurant雅思口语机考:雅思口语:Describe an interesting public plac,在事件类也考过a dinner with friends,也是跟restaurant有关是不!

同时,饭店也属于public place不是么!考过a place near water,事件类的所有跟玩耍旅游有关的题目,都可以往上靠是不!

考过an apartment or house,新机经里有让我们聊一位刚搬家的人,那我们就说他搬到了自己的dream house就行了呗!考过historic building雅思口语机考,很早之前也考过historical event,结合着building说几句也不算跑题嘛是不是!考过未来想去的国家,也考过我们future goal,那就说我们的目标是“赚钱跑去那个国度浪”就好了嘛!


回头看看我们的雅思口语interesting public place,看着像新题,其实我们回忆一下曾经考过的park雅思口语机考,还有tourist attraction,是不是就是换了个名字换了个考法而已嘛!由于park还是Part 1的高频题目,所以我们今天分享一篇有关公园的素材:

There’s a park in my hometown which is a popular hang-out for local people, called Jiangnan Park which is only within walking distance of my home. It’s actually an interesting combination of a zoo and an amusement park. So as you can imagine, it’s a magnet for citizens.

然后就是关于zoo的描写,一般对于zoo呢,就是聊聊有哪些有趣的动物,而且不要较真哦,你会说啥动物,里面就有啥动物,不用按照实际情况来,我们来举几个常见的例子,比如lion(狮子),elephant(大象),zebra(斑马),giraffe(长颈鹿),monkey(猴子),peacock(孔雀)等等,大家挑有趣滑稽观赏性强的动物多说几句,比如monkeys are kids’ favorite, they are lively and always run around chasing one another on the artificial mountain, and sometimes their movements can be hilarious and constantly crack people up.

再然后就是关于amusement park,我们常用的描写就是well-equipped with a variety of entertainment facilities, like roller coaster, Ferris wheel, bumper cars and marry-go-round for little kids)为了显示出这里的火爆,还可以说there are always long lines of people waiting for the ride.

公园除了玩儿的,当然还有吃的,我们可以说There’s snack bar along the road that serves palatable snacks like fries, popcorns, ice creams and things like that. So when you get tired, it’s a great place to chill out.


Little kids always go on spring outing there, having a picnic or stuff like that.

Young people like to have a romantic date in the park, ‘cause you know, the gorgeous view and the dreamy soft background music is everything you need for a perfect date.

Senior citizens (有时我们为了避免说old people,通常用senior citizen来代替) tend to do morning exercise and take a walk after dinner. And it’s not uncommon for people to walk their dogs in the park.


I like to take the roller roaster there, especially when I’m stressed out with my study, because it is exhilarating and a good way to release my pressure. And taking a walk on the stone-paved path is also enjoyable, ‘cause the air is much fresher and refreshing. Besides, the snacks sold at the bar are really inviting.





作者: admin