佳妮英评网 英语口语 雅思口语课程费用:雅思口语高频:a person in the news who you wan

雅思口语课程费用:雅思口语高频:a person in the news who you wan

在雅思口语Part 2的人物类话题卡当中有一道题是描述新闻里想见的人,接下来我会专以作家为例来向大家展示如何进行这类话题卡的叙述。首先要介绍这个人的具体身份,为什么会挑选他/她的原因。比如他的著作经久不衰,作者本人性格也非常独特等。其次还要说明他/她吸引你的点 – 作品的启发性,积极性等等都可以作为细节展开。

因为这不是一个困难的抽象题雅思口语课程费用雅思口语课程费用:雅思口语高频:a person in the news who you wan,所以在单词和句型的选择上,我为大家做的例子会稍微复杂些以7.5分作为标准。但也不用担心自己应付不了,只要选择适合自己的表达形式雅思口语课程费用,保证流利度就好。

Describe a person in the news who you want to meet.

Personally, the person I would like to meet most will be Murakami Haruki。 He is a writer。 He was my favorite writer back in middle school and still remains one of the writers whose books I will buy, in no time, whatever they publish。 For me, still a middle school student, he was like a bridge linking between my prisoned youth at school and the mysterious adulthood lost in some metropolis。 I could not help bringing the author himself into the world of his novel as a symbiosis of the protagonist and these two persona will coincide in a very interesting way。

Is he a womanizer or ascetic? Is he proactive or docile? These questions walk me through many nights wondering what kind of person I am and will be。 As far as I know, Mr。 Murakami himself is quite a reserved-to-himself man, which conflicts his protagonist sometimes。 However, for me at present, restless pursuit of knowledge, power, love, etc。, seems quintessential so I do not read too much of his writing anymore。 But I am still grateful for what he created in his career and would like to reread his works in a fresh angle as a grown man。


1. mysterious:strange and interesting because you don’t know much about them

Eg. A mysterious young woman is living next door.

Mysterious adulthood 指的是未知的成年人的世界

2. protagonist:the main character in a play, film or book

Eg. at that time, films rarely had a woman as the main protagonist.

3. Reserved-to-himself: slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions

这个短语可以用来形容比较内向 不爱表达情感的人



作者: admin

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