佳妮英评网 英语资讯 雅思口语那好:雅思口语:Describe a person in the news

雅思口语那好:雅思口语:Describe a person in the news



Describe a person in the news htat you would like to meet


Ellen is one of the most popular TV hosts in the USA, and the fact that she is a lesbian doesn’t stop her from having a successful career. I’m sure everyone who knows her is impressed by her wisdom and sense of humor. I remember she gave a commencement speech to the graduating class in the University of New Orleans, where she shared her life story. It was supposed to be a serious speech because what she had mentioned was pretty educational but she managed to make the whole speech full of laughter.

Although she had ups and downs along the way, eventually, people accept her for who she is. She makes me realize that the most important thing is to be true to yourself and some of the most devastating things that happen to you will teach you the most.


She has a great sense of humor, and she invites celebrities to her show to perform or share hilarious stories. She also invents funny games for guests and audience to play. So her show is always entertaining and exciting to watch, and most importantly, I can learn spoken English while having fun.

有关Ellen的“身世”雅思口语那好,大家可以在Wikipedia查到,百科对她的定义是:an American comedienne, television host, actress, writer and producer。她曾经出演过情景喜剧(sitcom)Ellen,她的脱口秀(talk show)全称为The Ellen DeGeneres Show,还有她在毕业致辞里面我最喜欢的一句话:


The most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity, and not to give in to peer pressure, to try to be something that you’re not. Live your life as an honest and compassionate person, and try to contribute in some way.

用Ellen的素材还可以搞定TV program,speech(曾经考过的哦)雅思口语那好,当然人物类话题就更不用说了。Ellen的脑残粉,聊起来!



朱博,雅思口语美女讲师,毕业于985院校大连理工大学雅思口语那好:雅思口语:Describe a person in the news,硕士保送一等奖学金。在校期间曾游学美国,任出版社英语出版中心校对四年,工作严谨,活泼开朗,让大家快乐的学习英语。


作者: admin

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