佳妮英评网 英语资讯 出国口语 雅思:雅思口语:describe a famous athlete you know

出国口语 雅思:雅思口语:describe a famous athlete you know


在雅思口语换题后,describe a famous athlete you know这个话题再次出现在大家视野。2016年里约奥运会女子100米仰泳半决赛的赛后采访,让这位体育界的表情包瞬间爆红。她耿直率真幽默的回答配合毫不掩饰的表情出国口语 雅思,被媒体称为奥运赛场上的一股清流。她的采访回答一时间成为网络流行词,她也成为里约奥运会最具人气、最有影响力的运动员之一。之后,她又受邀参加了很多综艺节目,再次秀了一波她的搞笑才能。所以,即使你不知道她在赛场上获得的那些成就怎么说出国口语 雅思:雅思口语:describe a famous athlete you know,光是聊聊这部分内容,也足够把两分钟撑满啦!

I’d like to talk about Fu Yuanhui who’s a Chinese swimmer in our national team. She’s an accomplished athlete, but she didn’t become a household name until her cheerful interview after the match in 2016 Rio Olympic Games. She won the third place with a personal best in the semi-final, but in the interview, she was thrilled like a champion. Unlike other athletes who are either too pretentious or too modest, she was pretty straightforward, I mean, she was not afraid to speak her mind. When asked about the result, she said “I’ve already done my best, I spared no effort, and I trained real hard, God knows what I’ve been through for the past several months.” And when she was talking, she had this goofy facial expression that was so hilarious, of course in a cute way, you know. And her famous saying “I’ve used up all of my supernatural powers.” has become a catchphrase overnight.

After Olympic Games, she was invited to quite a few reality shows and talk shows, which gained her more popularity and nationwide recognition. Again, she showed her great sense of humor in those TV shows and many people became her fans.

As a sportswoman she’s so special, I hope she could have more achievements in the near future.


accomplished = very good at a particular thing; having a lot of skills例如:

an accomplished artist/ actor/ chef

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She was an elegant and accomplished woman.

household name = a name that has become very well known例如:

She became a household name in the 1960s.

pretentious = (disapproving) trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress例如:

That’s a pretentious name for a dog!

It was just an ordinary house—nothing pretentious.

He’s so pretentious!

straightforward = (of a person or their behavior) honest and open; not trying to trick somebody or hide something

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speak your mind = to say exactly what you think, in a very direct way例如:

She’s never hesitated about speaking her mind.

spare no effort/expense, etc. = to do everything possible to achieve something or to do something well without trying to limit the time or money involved例如:

He spared no effort to make her happy again.

No expense was spared in furnishing the new office.

God/ goodness/ Heaven knows (informal) = used to emphasize the truth of what you are saying例如:

She ought to pass the exam—goodness knows she’s been working hard enough.

goofy = (informal, especially NAmE) silly; stupid例如:

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a goofy grin

hilarious = extremely funny例如:

a hilarious joke/ story

Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.

Do you know Pete? He’s hilarious.

use something up = to use all of something so that there is none left例如:

Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.

supernatural = that cannot be explained by the laws of science and that seems to involve gods or magic paranormal例如:

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supernatural powers

supernatural strength

catchphrase = a popular phrase that is connected with the politician or entertainer who used it and made it famous

reality show = TV shows that use real people (not actors) in real situations, presented as entertainment

talk show = a television or radio program in which famous people are asked questions and talk in an informal way about their work and opinions on various topics


朱博,新东方吉林学校雅思口语美女讲师,毕业于985院校大连理工大学出国口语 雅思,硕士保送一等奖学金。在校期间曾游学美国,任出版社英语出版中心校对四年出国口语 雅思,工作严谨,活泼开朗,让大家快乐的学习英语。


作者: admin