那么从这期开始呢,我会在每一期为大家进行一整个Part 1话题的分析,并且也会给到大家范例答案和录音哦,那么其中也会穿插着进行Part 2话题的精讲哈,干货多多,大家快快关注避免错过哟~~
Science courses
Do you like science class?
Did you have science class in primary school or high school?
What kind of science did you do at school?
Do you think science classes are important?
首先是第一道问题:Do you like science class?
问题的意思很简单,就是你喜欢和科学有关的课程吗?其实很多同学会问这样一道问题雅思口语范文:雅思口语专项精讲丨Part 1 话题分析+高分范例,什么是和科学有关的课程呢,物理,化学,生物?还是数学,地理,音乐什么的?其实为什么大家会这么想呢,那是因为题目的理解并不是很到位,那么刚才Joe哥也给大家挖了个坑,这里的science class其实理解为理科的课程会更好一些,因为这样可能会更加容易能联想到具体的内容。所以,像地理,生物,化学雅思口语范文,物理,数学这类的课程雅思口语范文,就涵盖在我们本题的讨论范围之内啦,那么我们再来看一看具体的话,作为理科生的Joe哥,这道题可以怎么作答呢:
Oh, yeah, definitely, I’m a typical science student myself! Especially the biology class I’ve attended in university, I participated in a number of interesting experiments in the laboratory, it’s quite awesome, besides, I’ve learnt a lot of practical skills and useful knowledge, so…
Typical science student 典型的理科生
Biology class生物课
Experiment 实验
Laboratory 实验室
Awesome 非常棒 = cool
Did you have science classes in primary school or high school?
Yep, I did have learnt some of the basic science subjects since primary school, middle school to be exact. At that time, a wide range of science courses were incorporate to our school curriculum, like physics, geography, chemistry and so on. Every single day, there was at least one of those class. And to be honest, I was so hooked on them comparing to the art subjects, like literature, they made me bored.
basic science subjects 基础的理科课程
a wide range of 范围广的
were incorporate to 被嵌入在
school curriculum 学校课程
was so hooked on 非常迷上
Do you think science classes are important?
I suppose they are quite essential, especially during the process of fundamental education, like in primary school or middle school. Why? Well you know, what science can bring to us is magnificent in a long run. For example, like how to think logically, the ability to breakdown complex concepts, or even the ways to convey ideas to your peers. I’m not sure about the others, at least those are what I have learnt from sciences classes.
fundamental education 基础教育
in a long run 长远角度
think logically 有逻辑地思考
breakdown complex concepts 分解复杂的概念
convey ideas to your peers 向你的同龄人传达观点