佳妮英评网 英语口语 托福口语评分标准表:诊断课堂|托福口语4分回答案例分析



在托福实际考试中,考试评分系统会根据大家4个task的答题情况,给予5个分数段的原始分数(raw score): Good (4分), Fair(3分), Limited(2分), Weak(1分) 和0分 (一般得0分的情况就是no responses or responses are irrelevant to tasks).

Raw Score

Scaled score

4 Good


4 Fair


4 Limited


4 Weak


No responses or responses are irrelevant to tasks



Task1: Some universities require first-year students to live in dormitories on campus. Others allow students to live off campus. Which policy do you think is better for first-year students and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.





Err, I think it’s better for the first year students to live on campus rather than off campus. Emm, main reason because, err, they are new to the city and it’s safer for them to live on campus where there is more security. Emm, because they don’t know much about the city in the first place. Err, second of all, it helps them to/to become more familiar with the surroundings where they have to study. It also help [center?] [maybe] new people, err, living in the dorm encourages more friendships, with people who you might not, err, seem very comfortable at the first time. And, err, it helps you to meet new people. It helps you to interact with the seniors if you’re living in your dorm.

在之前的课程或者学习中,我们了解到托福口语的评分标准主要从三个方面(delivery,topic development和language use)进行口语评分托福口语评分标准表:诊断课堂|托福口语4分回答案例分析,接下来我们就从这三个标准上对该生的口语答案进行评析。

Rater’s Comments:


1. A clear and coherent response (答案清晰且连贯)

2. Able to maintain a steady, fluid pace with little to no hesitation (整体表达平稳流畅)

3. Pronunciation is very good. ( 英语发音很不错)

4. Minor but noticeable first-language influence on stress and intonation patterns, but do not obscure meaning. (在重音和语调上受母语习惯的影响会有少量的错误,但不影响听者对意思的理解

【Topic Development】

1. Well developed in general. (整体内容展开不错)

2. Clearly states opinion and provides several reasons. (清楚地表述了观点并进行原因解释)

3. Explain each reason in varying degrees of detail. (运用不同程度的细节对理由进行解释)

4. A clear progression of ideas and an ease of presentation typical of a level of 4 response. (清晰的细节展开达到了4分答案的要求)

【Language Use】

1. Demonstrates a wide range of vocabulary and grammar (表现出词汇和语法上的灵活运用)



作者: admin

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