佳妮英评网 英语口语 英语口语如何练好:即学即用:三个提升英语口语的实用技巧


Hey guys,

I know that this week most students have already started a new semester of school and will soon start their English classes as well. I really want to take this opportunity to encourage you with three really profound techniques in learning English that will help improve your speaking skills if you stick to them.


1) Use the words you know !



For most student in English courses, I know that inside the class the teacher wants students to use incredibly ginormous words when writing and speaking English. That when you communicate—bigger words are better. The honest truth about big sophisticated words is that they are mainly used when making a PPT (sometimes), books, essays, or in a meeting. In reality, what you want to do when speaking English is to communicate a meaning you have.


So my advice to those learning the language is just to use the words you already know! As you get more and more familiar with them, later you can add on more words. Sooner or later your vocabulary will start to increase, and even better, your communication skills.



1. I like your shirt 我喜欢你的衬衫

2. I like your shoes 我喜欢的你的鞋子


3. I like your style 我喜欢你的风格

2) Use words and phrases you normally say.


I think this technique is extremely helpful because so often we forget the words or phrases that we learned in class. The reason why is because we never really use them in our daily life. If you like to say the word “awesome” all the time in Chinese, find the word in English and just use it in your daily life. This will really help you remember the word.


E.g. You look so handsome today.



3) Copy a native speakers sound or voice.


I highly encourage that most students do copy the way a native speaker speaks. This will change your pronunciation from good to great. It will also help those who find it very difficult to get rid of their accent. This is difficult because you don’t just follow how they say the word, but you also want to look at if they are sad or happy when saying the word. Also take notice if they say it quietly or loudly and if they open their mouth a little bit or a lot.


E.g. What are you doing today?


If you practice these, and stick to them, I guarantee that your English speaking ability will become more standard.



That’s all for now.

I’ll see you next week!


美化排版 | Kilinno

封面图片 | 淼淼

审核校对 | 张津


作者: admin

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