佳妮英评网 雅思托福 托福有口语吗:2015年1月25日独立托福口语小范围预测及参考答案


6. When you have problems, you will ask advisor for help or search it?through internet or library?

I would say I definitely search it on the internet or in the library. Cuz, as a college student, we are pretty busy with all kinds of assignments like papers, presentations and even group projects, it is not quite possible for us to find a time when both we and our advisors are available. Additionally, with the help of internet, all we have to do is to type in the key words of the problem we are trying to solve, and then we have the answer show up on the screen, plus, we can do that wherever and whenever we want. It is not very time consuming and actually it works fine, most of time we can find the answer by doing that.

7. Here are two jobs with equal amount of time and pay. One you need to work with other employees in a group and the other requires you to work individually. Which do you prefer?

Personally, I would like to work in a group with other colleagues, I am an extrovert and outgoing person, and I think it is more fun when there are people around me. Plus, I can also learned the importance of cooperation and responsibility when I am with a team, to achieve something that is assigned to us, me and my teammate struggle together for a common goal, offer each other motivation along the way, and I feel that I care something bigger than myself during the process, and I think this is very meaningful.


8. Agree or disagree: Power and money is the definition of success for a person.

Personally, I don’t agree that power and money is the definition of success for a person. Admittedly, people have different perspectives when it comes to the definition of success. My version is that live life to the fullest, and pursue the things that you are really interested in and passionate about, and by that, I mean one cannot be judged in monetary terms or even power. A teacher, janitor, waiter or waitress in a restaurant can be regarded successful if they don’t complain what they do, and instead love their job. Thus, I think any person with love, and has something to offer to society, and makes people happy is successful.

9. Do you agree or disagree that having a relaxed or unhurried life most important for a person.


Well, I certainly don’t agree that having a relaxed or unhurried life most important for a person. Life is short and should not be wasted in doing things that are not meaningful, like just relaxing and doing meaningless stuff. It is actually very important for a person to keep a relatively tight schedule, and that makes a person productive. Take college students as an example, they are pretty busy with all kinds of assignments like papers, presentations and even group projects. If they just wander around and do nothing during college, they might not be able to graduate. Plus, professionals should not just relax and life a unhurried life, cuz they have to close business deal and be always on the run.

10. Advertisements have too much influence on what people buy.

Personally, I agree that advertisements have too much influence on what people buy. Though economists might think that human are rational being and make choices based on cost and benefit, psychologists might not agree with that, and I think consumers are very much influenced by commercials on what they buy. Frankly, lots of commercials are too much in bragging about their products and cannot even deliver what they promise, like the so-called ultimate vacuum cleaner cannot even remove a slight stain on the carpet, even though in the advertisement, the company portrays their vacuum as the almighty machine, and the Ad is so vivid and persuasive and people believe it, only later find that it is not what it says in the commercial.


11. Some people believe that the university students should focus on their school work. Others believe that the university students should also attend club activities on campus.

Personally, I would say that university students should also attend club activities on campus, and I have the following reasons for support. To begin with, university is not all about schoolwork or GPA, just focusing on your study and no social activities makes a person boring, and also you will get bored with only study. On top of that, as the saying goes, it is not about what you know, it is about who you know. Joining clubs provides you a chance to know different kind of people, and by interacting with them you can possibly broaden your horizon, and expand your vision, and even build some connection for your future.



孟炎,济南新东方托福口语优秀主讲师,毕业于密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校,经济学硕士,SAS高级程序员。托福110托福有口语吗,GRE高分通过(1330),2008年外研社全国大学生英语竞赛特等奖(全省仅4人),演讲比赛优胜奖;全额奖学金获得者托福有口语吗:2015年1月25日独立托福口语小范围预测及参考答案,曾在经济系任研究生助教教授美国本科生经济学课程。 热爱教学,讲课风格自成一家托福有口语吗,善于结合自己在美国的工作生活经验,让孩子们掌握原滋原味的口语的同时达到提分效果;深谙北美考试出题人出题思路托福有口语吗,对学生薄弱环节对症下药;幽默风趣,深受学生喜爱。众多口语高分学员,提分率高。




作者: admin

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