佳妮英评网 雅思托福 口语雅思哪好:雅思口语:Describe a toy that you enjoyed pla

口语雅思哪好:雅思口语:Describe a toy that you enjoyed pla


雅思口语机经里,toy这个话题也算是经久不衰了,从雅思口语题库里被踢出去又回来,反反复复好多年。不过大家不要怕,这道题总体说来就是满满的套路啊!需要谈及的方面说来说去就那么几个,比如怎么得到的,长啥样,为啥喜欢,最后这个玩具的下落,Blah blah blah……

最常见的小孩子的玩具,大家可以从下面几个挑选在雅思口语里发挥,不会讲的就绕过,不要自己难为自己嘛对不对,毕竟这是考试不是真心话大冒险。女孩子可以选择Barbie doll(芭比娃娃),rag doll(布偶),puppet(木偶),teddy bear(泰迪熊)之类的各种soft toy(毛绒玩具),Lego之类的bricks(积木),jigsaw puzzles(拼图)等等,男孩子一般玩耍的就是各种toy cars口语雅思哪好,toy soldiers和toy guns(包括water gun呲水枪),还有各种ball,或者比较贵一些的action figures(手办)例如transformers或者toy vehicles with a remote control(遥控汽车飞机等等),mini four by four(四驱车)。


选定了玩具,就要说说这个玩具是怎么来的啦,对于小孩子来说,最常见的玩具来源就是爸妈送的呗。这个场合可以是birthday gift口语雅思哪好:雅思口语:Describe a toy that you enjoyed pla,也可以作为考出好成绩的reward,这毕竟是父母常用的套路么。

Anyway,剩下的重点是你为啥喜欢这个toy,并且是怎么跟它玩耍的。这个建议大家结合自己的兴趣爱好来解释口语雅思哪好,比如看了哪部电影或者剧集,幻想着自己是里面的人物(听起来耳熟吧,我们小时候肯定都玩儿过role-playing game),或者玩儿play house(过家家),也可以说父母忙没时间陪我们玩耍,我们就把所有的开心不开心都share给了我们的娃娃。总之,一个惯用套路是,“玩具是最好的陪伴”,因为它陪伴我们度过了无忧无虑的童年,所以它才means a lot to us.

最后的最后,说说玩具的下落吧,你可以说虽然它现在很破旧了(shabby),但是我还是留着它,或者说搬家时候弄丢了(I lost it when I moved to our new apartment),或者长大之后妈妈给送人了(gave them away)。



When I was little, my favorite toy is a toy gun I got from my dad as my 10th birthday gift.

It was just an ordinary gun for kids, with a black case. It was about this big, and color of the trigger is silver, which was really cool. The most awesome thing about this gun was that every time I pull the trigger, it would make a sound of gunshots, so you know, it felt like I really fired a bullet.


I was crazy about gangster movies back then, and I thought policemen are the coolest people in the whole wide world. They beat bad guys and uphold justice, so deep in my heart, I believe they are the symbols of superheroes. And I’ve always wanted to be a policeman, which I guess is most boys’ childhood dream. Even now, when I watch a movie involving cops fighting against criminals, I would become hot-blooded.

So you can imagine how excited I was when my father gave it to me. I used to carry it around with me everywhere I go, and when I got the opportunity, I would show it off to my friends. And when I hung out with my neighbors playing cops and robbers, I would call dibs on the role of the cop, and chase others around, which sounds a little silly now, but I really enjoyed that feeling back then.

However, sadly, after I attended junior high school, my mom gave away all of my childhood toys to my cousin, including that toy gun. I was heartbroken for a while, ‘cause that toy has given me quite a few precious memories.






作者: admin