1. 发音相似但意思不同的词
2. 意思相近但内涵不同的词
3. 选词时的前缀或后缀错误
4. 翻译错误与用词搭配
5. 改变词意的拼写错误
1. 发音相似但意思不同的词
Affect vs. effect / affective vs. effective
错误: Sleep deprivation clearly effected the patients’ overall well-being.
正确: Sleep deprivation clearly affected the patients’ overall well-being.
错误: The affect of exercise on depression is not clearly understood.
正确: The effect of exercise on depression is not clearly understood.
Then vs. than
错误: The effect of exercise on depression is less obvious then that of medication.
正确: The effect of exercise on depression is less obvious than that of medication.
正确: Patients were debriefed, and then asked to fill in a questionnaire.
Principal vs. principle
错误: Our approach is based on the scientific principals of behavioral analysis.
正确: Our approach is based on the scientific principles of behavioral analysis.
正确: The principal idea of our approach is that early socialization affects behavior.
Advice vs. advise
“to advise”的意思是给予建议。“advice”和“advise”这两个词之间的主要区别是“advice”是名词,而“advise”则是动词。这两个词含义相同,只是词性不同,在使用时需要注意保持语法正确。
错误: Patients should be adviced against smoking after cancer treatment
正确: Patients should be advised against smoking after cancer treatment.
正确: Our advice to patients after cancer treatment is to stop smoking.
Accept vs. except
错误: Subjects were called back after 2 weeks, accept for those who had dropped out.
正确: Subjects were called back after 2 weeks, except for those who had dropped out.
正确: Smoking is widely accepted as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Alternate vs. alternative
“alternative”是指额外的或不同的选择,而动词“alternate”及其形容词形式“alternating” 是指在选项、状态或行动之间来回切换的行为。
错误: TMS has emerged as an alternate treatment option for anxiety.
正确: TMS has emerged as an alternative treatment option for anxiety.
正确: We explored the role of alternate care sites in responsiveness to COVID-19.
Adapt vs. adopt
正确: Many recent studies have adopted a similar cross-sectional design.
正确: We adapted the usual clinical design to better reflect patient characteristics.
Access vs. assess
错误: The aim of this study was to access the clinical outcomes of the seton procedure.
正确: The aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcomes of the seton procedure.
正确: Author KA was granted access to patient data by the hospital ethics committee.
2. 意思相近但内涵不同的词
Infer vs. imply
正确: These findings imply that neuropeptides play a role in feeding behavior.
正确: Intuitive responders infer that everybody responds as they do.
Among vs. between
第一条规则是在比较两个元素时,应当使用“between”;而在比较两个以上元素时,应当使用“among”。虽然这条规则使得人们通常能够正确选词,但它可能会导致“过度校正”,导致语言表达出现尴尬的情况。因此,就出现了第二条规则,即只要所有元素都是独立且不同的,就都可以使用“between”,无论元素数量是否超过两个。例如,你可以在鸡蛋和麦片这两者之间做出选择(“between eggs and cereals”),也可以在鸡蛋、麦片和吐司三者之间选择(“between eggs, cereals, and toast”)。
相比之下,“among”用指不那么明显区分开来的人或事物,而且他们或它们被视为一个群体而非单独或独立的元素时。例如,意大利和丹麦之间的谈判(“between Italy and Denmark”在线英语读音,这时强调的是两个不同国家之间的事情),欧盟成员国之间的谈判(“among the EU member states”,这时强调的是一个集团群体,而非两个或几个元素之间的关系)。另一个例子,“You share secrets between friends (from person to person) but you feel comfortable with or among your friends. ”这句话的意思是,你在朋友之间(强调人与人之间的关系)分享秘密;你和朋友在一起时或在朋友之间相处时感觉很舒服(不强调个体之间的关系)。
正确: MoO3 showed the best performance among the investigated HDO catalysts.
正确: There was no behavioral difference between the test and the control group.
Amount vs. number
错误: The number of literatures included in this meta-analysis is enormous.
正确: The amount of literature included in this meta-analysis is enormous.
正确: The number of earlier studies on this topic is low.
3. 选词时的前缀或后缀错误
在词根词(root word)的开头添加前缀或在结尾添加后缀,可以将形容词(例如happy)变成名词(happiness)或副词(happily),或变成意思相反的词(unhappy),或者影响动词的时态。前缀和后缀的问题在于,它们并不适用于每个单词,而且添加后也并不总能具有前述效果。因此,作者们需要确保不能擅自创建不存在的单词,也不要乱加错误的前缀或后缀导致语意发生错乱。
错误: Changes were determinated using a computer-controlled spectrophotometer.
正确: Changes were determined using a computer-controlled spectrophotometer.
错误: Protein instableness is a common issue in protein pharmaceuticals.
正确: Protein instability is a common issue in protein pharmaceuticals.
错误: We assessed sources of diagnostic inaccurateness of cardiac markers.
正确: We assessed sources of diagnostic inaccuracy of cardiac markers.
4. 翻译错误与用词搭配
例如,可以使用谷歌学者(Google Scholar)或韦氏在线词典(Merriam-Webster online dictionary)检查措辞。可以对文稿进行自我编辑,利用Wordvice发布的学术论文常规表达方式指南和在论文的不同部分使用最佳动词的指南,这些都能够有效加强英文写作。在修改稿件的过程中,还需要特别注意介词的使用,这是英文写作中另一类常见错误。如果自己甚至不知道需要检查什么错误,下面的一系列示例展示了常见的误译和误用的表达方式。
错误: Patients underwent dizziness and worsening symptoms.
正确: Patients experienced dizziness and reported worsening symptoms.
正确: Patients presented with dizziness and showed worsening symptoms over time.
错误: Patients underwent a questionnaire after the experiment.
正确: Patients filled in a questionnaire after the experiment.
错误: Patients succeeded complete remission.
正确: Patients achieved complete remission.
错误: The difference between groups was obtained with one-way ANOVA.
正确: The difference between groups was assessed with one-way ANOVA.
错误: Patients performed liver biopsy.
正确: Patients underwent liver biopsy.
正确: Two experienced surgeons performed liver biopsy.
错误: The study was not able to analyze age differences, due to its design.
正确: We were not able to analyze age differences, due to the design of our study.
错误:PET alone was not able to diagnose our patients.
正确: We were not able to diagnose our patients using PET alone.
5. 改变词意的拼写错误
错误:Collect doses were determined by a series of tests.
正确: Correct doses were determined by a series of tests.
错误: We did not arrow participants to leave the room between sessions.
正确: We did not allow participants to leave the room between sessions.