Media-TV, Newspaper and Radio 电视、报纸和播送
1. ■28 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television,newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personallives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specificreasons and details to explain your opinion.
??有些媒体(群众传媒mass media)体现得过于重视名人。可是真实的缘由(the real cause)却是群众(the public; thebroad masses of the people)本身—–群众过于重视名人以及名人的私日子。媒体不过是在投合群众(cater to the needsof customers;曩昔几年里,电视一向投合群众的口味。 the past several years,television has beenplaying to the gallery.),因为媒体也是商业机构(commercialorganization),也要盈利(profit-driving) 。
??不是一切媒体都在一味投合群众,也不是一切的television program, newspaper column都在重视名人。
(1) 媒体为了满足群众的好竒心(SATTSFYTHE CURIOSITY),所以过火注严峻世人物的报导。比方说,名
(2) 媒体为了挣钱的霓要,会集在公共人物的报导。
(3) 媒体为了监督大世人物。所以常常报导他们的私日子。
2. Some people read the newspaper every day; olhers prefer watching Ihenews on televisico or list
ening to the radio. How do you keep yourself informedand why? Include details to support you explanation. [2007.3.15/加拿大2007.3.17]
3. Some people think that parents should lead their children to watch TV.Others think that the children should choose what they want to watch bythemselves. What is your opinion? Use specific reascos and examples to supportyour choice. ★[2006.3.25/2006.12.8]
I think the parent should lead their children to watch TV.First,they canlead the children to watch some nice programs that the children can be helpfulto the kids.Second,it can eliminate possibility for the children to watch someinappropriate program, for example the unhealthy or too violent program. Byleading them, the parents can give the kids suitable advice. This is part or theresponsibility of the parents. Lead is not full constrained, the kids can havesome space to watch whatever they want to watch, but it must be under the leadof the parents.
4. Some people think that TV gives positive effects to the modern society.Others think that TV gives negative effects to the modern society. What is youropinion and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. ★[2006.11.19]
5. Which one acts more influence on you? Media (information from TV,newspaper and radio), or people (friends, families or teachers)? Use specificreasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.12.16] Living in thisinformation age, we will face numerous of information from the TV, newspapers…all kinds of media everyday. But I think my family and friends influence me morebecause I trust them more. And their advices are more practical and useful tofit my situation. What??s more, I consider the TV or newspapers media toentertain or know some news. Since I am a girl has critical think. I think onlyfriends and families can influence my decisions, because I am so close to themthat I cant avoid to be influenced by them. Although I admit that I aminfluenced by the TV and newspaper , but the extent is much less than by myfriends and family. Maybe, also because I am a little bit resistant to thoseinformation. Since I have several times unpleasant experiences by buying someproducts very attractive in the TV commercial, but the real one is bad.