Task 1&2考前预备
应对的一些既定的技巧我就不细心罗列了,上过我课的各位必定懂的,答复疑问篇幅是8-10句话的原则,一个主题观念(Topic statement+两点缘由,每个缘由用3-4句话打开……)PR规划,BA规划,statistics,quotes & sayings, proper nouns等等可以帮你快速延展自个的答题亮点(听不理解的阐明没好好听我的课,请自罚100大板然后边壁思曩昔。)
Task 1
1) 人物题(上课现已具体说明过,IYKWIM)
2) 地址题(上课现已具体说明过)
3) 万能的吴彦祖:旅行的各种优点我们早就熟念于心了吧?期望看到这儿的注释时,你也能如我相同会意一笑)
4) What’s your favorite book? →(百变推导题的延展有些请参见上课笔记)
5) What is your hobby? → (百变推导题的延展有些请参见上课笔记) →Would you like to join sports or like to watch others to play?
6) What do you think is the most efficient transportation in your city?(e.g.:Subway) → Describe a positive change that emerged in your country. Explain how this change influenced the way people live in your country.(e.g.: the development of Subway)
7) Describe one of the most important inventions in the last 100 years. / Describe a tool or equipment that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you.(预备答案时可参照我激烈举荐给我们的视频:Steve Jobs的纪录片I-Genius: How Steve Jobs Change the World)
8) Describe a social or political celebration event in your culture.
9) Do artists need to have talents? → Do you think artists become famous because they were born with talents or because they worked very hard?
Task 2
1) Do you prefer to work with a group or work alone?
2) Do you prefer to give hand-made gifts, or store-bought gifts?
3) Do you prefer to shop online or go to the real stores to find of things you want?
4) When being confronted with difficult questions, do you prefer to ask instructors or to look for answers online?
5) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that playing computer or video games has negative influence to teenagers?
6) Do you prefer to eat fast food or not? →Do you think eating healthy food is easier now than 40 or 50 years ago?
7) Some people prefer to carry a cell phone with them all the time, but others don’t, they even don’t own one. Which approach do you prefer and explain why.
8) Some people prefer to go shopping only when they need to buy something. Others like to shop even they don’t have certain things to buy. Which one do you prefer?
9) Would you like to buy books or to borrow books from libraries?
10) What do you do if you are overloaded with homework & you have to finish it on time?
11) Some people suggest that students should specialize in one subject in college, while other people suggest that students should choose a wide variety of courses. What is your opinion? (选择后者可持续用用吴彦祖的开阔视野论题)
1) 万能的吴彦祖(IYKWIM)
2) 泰坦尼克不和里制造花絮(那些最感动你的片刻间是啥?)
3) NBA宣传片 (打篮球的各种好,我们必定懂的)
4) TED讲座: 坠机让我学到的三件事 (让人值得反思和回味的一些亮点,看一遍是必定不可的,我自个主张要重复看,熟记其间的细节才对。常常在想,假定大难当头,我是不是可以如他相同淡定,可以在迫临去世的片刻间反思自个的对错与得失。All in all,很经典的华章,走过路过请必定不要错失!)
5) TED讲座:我收到的最宝贵的礼物(好就一个字,没有啥可以替代)
6) Steve Jobs纪录片
7) Steve Jobs在Stanford大学结业典礼的致辞
8) MJ葬礼上波姬小丝悦耳心弦的吊唁词(人物题超级大模板)
9) The Last(人物题超级大模板,对我们情感日子也有实际辅导意义的一个短片。浓缩版的《那些年,我追过的女孩儿》,有人说这片子太臭屁太矫情,实际中给女友讲起过往,必定要轻描淡写带过才比照可靠,可是仍是忍不住会被男主人公的独白所感动,就像fairy-tale stories相同,明知剧情狗血,咱们仍是常常被那些夸姣的描绘所利诱,所以就不要太较真了,当作一个答题模板来用已然是个不错的选择了!)
1) Lemon Tree说唱
2) Tik Tok
3) In the End
4) You Were My Everything
5) Tongue twisters(课上学过的绕口令,概况请参加课上课件)