佳妮英评网 雅思托福 2016年8月27日托福口语超级小规模猜测(18套题)




2016年8月27日的托福考试口语有些大约要点温习哪些标题? 新东方出品最声威的托福考试猜测,本猜测为小规模猜测题,包括托福归纳口语和托福独立口语语猜测算计18套题,更多关于8月27日托福猜测机经请戳》》》托福机经:2016年8月27日托福考试猜测



1.Which of the following volunteer work you would like to participate; 1) cleaning up the city; 2) recycling; 3) planting trees

2. Which of the following job do you think is most challenging? 1) doctor; 2) policeman; 3) governmental officer

3. Talk about a thing that your friend recently did which surprised you a lot. What was it and what was the result of it. Explain in details.

4. Which of the following skill do you want to have? 1) art skill; 2) language skill; 3) sports skill

5. Your friend is planning to drop out of the university. What kind of suggestions will you give him?

6. Talk about a recent change in your country. Explain how this change affects people’s lives.

7. Talk about a person (a family member or friend) you enjoy talking with. explain why?

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of children playing video games.

9. Talk about a country or culture you would like to learn more about. Why do you want to learn more about it?

10. What kind of suggestions will you give to children who just start school.

11. When choosing university, what do you think is the most important aspect: 1) academic reputation; 2) size; 3) location; 4) cost of tuition.

12. Talk about a political/social event that recently happened in your country. Explain why you are interested in this event.

13. If a foreign friend wants to visit your city, which of the following places will you choose to show him around? 1) a factory; 2) a university; 3) a museum.

15. What was your favorite subject when you were in primary school. Explain why you liked this subject.

16. What do you think is the hardest period of one’s life: childhood, teenager, adulthood.

17. Talk about a memorable experience in a restaurant or cafe.

18. Some schools require students to finish some reading lists during summer break. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.

18. Talk about one great aspect of the educational system in your country

19. Talk about two singers or musicians. What are the differences between them. Explain in details.

20. What do you think is the most challenging thing for university students? 1) staying far away from their family; 2) finding leisure time; 3) making new friends.

Task 2:

1. Agree or disagree: it is a good thing to take classes with one’s best friends.

2. Some people prefer to celebrate special occasions, like birthday, with their friends. Others prefer to celebrate them with family members. Which do you prefer?

3. Agree or disagree: it is important to learn from ancestors

4. Agree or disagree: cellphones should be banned in public places.

5. When traveling, some prefer to reach their destination directly. Others prefer to spend more time on the road. Which do you prefer and why?

6. Some people prefer to watch a sport game from the audience seat. Others prefer to be in the sport field and compete with others. Which do you prefer?

7. Agree or disagree: it is acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors.

8. When using a new product, some prefer to read the introductions/guide book. Others prefer to figure out how to use the product by themselves. Which do you prefer

9. When finishing assignment, some prefer to write essays. Others prefer to do speeches. Which do you prefer?

10. Agree or disagree: children should learn handwriting.

11. Some prefer to buy books or movies that they would like to watch. Others prefer to go to the book store or library to borrow the books or movies. Which do you prefer

12. Agree or disagree: in order to receive university education, children should do well in high school.

13. Agree or disagree: in order to be successful, it is more important for an athlete to be talented than hardworking

14. Agree or disagree:most important classes can not be learnt in the classroom

15. Some people prefer to do outdoor activities in summer. Others prefer to do outdoor activities in winter. Which do you prefer?

16. When taking classes, some people prefer to sit in the front row. While others prefer to sit in the back row. which do you prefer?

17. Some prefer to get advice from elders. Others prefer to get advice from their friends. Which do you prefer?

18. Agree or disagree: all children under sixteen should be required to go to school.

19. Some people prefer to collect old things. Others prefer to throw things away after they’re done with them. Which do you prefer?

20. Some people would like to go shopping when they have specific purchase to make. Others prefer to go shopping without any purpose. Which do you prefer?

Task 3:


The school plans to close the gym for 2 weeks during the spring break for some minor renovations. The woman in the conversation agrees.

First, the renovations won’t cause much inconvenience because few students will stay on campus during the break. Those who do stay usually focus on their study and seldom use the gym. Like when she was staying on campus to finish up a project, she went to the gym once and no one was there. Second, outdoor facilities are still available if students do want to exercise. It is quite warm and actually perfect for outdoor activities.


阅览:学校说下学期初步给重生做的campus tour就不由admin来做了,让高年级学生自个做



Passage 一个letter关于教育楼内improvement proposal. 一是在每层楼多设 power plug. 二是每层楼设打印机。

Conversation:男生附和这个主张。第一条他说如今许多学生都有laptop. 举了个自个的比方,说他带laptop 去上课,但没电了,他找不到power plug, 跑了很远充电。第二条是学生有可以在课间结束assignment, 需要打印。


jazz band 要在 afternoon 在学校的 lawn 开 concert ,woman 不满足 因为 1. 学生要学习, 会打扰,evening 非常好 2. 许多人聚堆会踏坏草坪

The jazz band is going to hold free concerts on the lawn on campus in the afternoon.

The woman disagrees with it.

Reason 1: Students study in the afternoon, so concerts will disturb them. It’s better to have concerts in the evening.

Reason 2: Too many people standing on the lawn will destroy it.


学校要建个歇息室给不住学校的学生用,可以放书,有locker,放一些bus schedule。男生不附和一:住学校的同学也需要,因为宿舍很远。图书馆现已有locker,不需要再建。二:没必要专门为放bus schedule建歇息室,网上电话都可以查。






Suggestion: University should allow freshmen to part their cars on campus.

Reason 1: it’s easier for them to find a job

Reason 2: they can drive home at weekends


The woman disagrees.

Reason 1: freshmen are super busy with their study, it’s unnecessary for them to find a job

Reason 2: driving home at weekends will only make them more homesick and make it harder for them to settle in the new environment



estimation survey(如同是这个词)就是预算了,举例:公司查询泊车位,只需大约晓得多少职工就可



The letter proposes the school should open classes outside the classroom because good scenery will make the students focus and avoid boredom and the school has installed some benches and seats outside.

The student disagrees with the proposal.

First, there are too many distractions outside. Students will be distracted when friends are passing through.

Second, there aren’t enough seats available, it’s inconvenient for students to take notes if they have to stand there.








女人觉得 不好, 1)报社人员也是学生,不必定给出啥好主张。

2)即便好主张, 也晦气于学生的长远打开, 仍是培育独立知道比照好。


阅览:【揭露信】:小报上刊登了来自一个学生的揭露信. 建议大学大约to build an electronic board (电子告示板)at student center.

优点: 1. make student get information about coming up events easily rather than acquiring news at different places on campus by posters.


2. 学校也会更规整,因为墙上没海报了

听力:【学生谈论】:男学生觉得这主见interesting, 女人对立这个方案.


It is better to get news from different locations on campus because

1. they are everywhere (more than one place). If they do not go to student center, they will miss the notice. 举了她在图书馆看到海报,所以didn’t miss a show / concert的比方.

电子告示板不必定可以像意料的那样,让那么多人获取信息,因为许多人不愿意花时刻特意经过电子告示板来看有啥新的消息。举例:她自个上星期五去了图书馆看到海报,所以didn’t miss a show / concert,假定没有去过就看不到了,所以一个信息不能只在一个当地发布。

2. Even though the new bulletin board was estabilished, students will still do posters because of it is convenient (没有人会提交information, 然后再等它post出来)

question:explain the woman’s opinion towards the suggestion and why she holds that opinion.




1、添加人数削减了communication with faculty,降低了小课堂的参加程度

2、已然有更多的学生,就可以获得更多的钱,就可以请更多的faculty处置了人力缺乏的疑问。简言之就是 more students, more money, more faculty





Reading: Only qualified students have the right to work at the computer center. There are 3 reasons for this, but they are irrelevant to the speaking part.


Man: I don’t think it works.


1)There should be a minimum grade requirement. How do you decide if a student is qualified enough? The university should offer a computer repair course. (这个当地我不是很断定)

2)Even when prospective students’ pass the minimum grade requirement, they should only be allowed to handle situations that aren’t overly complicated.


Reading Part:

Nowadays, college newspaper hires students from different majors to write for them articles. In the future, they should only hire journalism students to write. This way they can deal with students who are actually interested in news and have more articles completed.

Listening part: Disagree

1) Students in other majors may also be interested in writing news pieces, so the school should encourage those students to write for college newspaper as well. Take this history major for example. He wants to enter the news industry in the future.

2) Having more articles isn’t important. There is no point in having too many articles coming in, because the newspaper may not have the resources and time to deal with editing so much writing. The process of preparing an article is complicated, as it includes the efforts of both the editors and the writers. There is a lot of back and forth between those who write and those who review and edit.


Task 3



优点1:当地居民可以得到free entrainment;



理由1:nearby没有啥theater, 来回的交通费加表演出费很贵。翻开学校剧院能让当地居民不必跑很远就能赏识到professional的表演;

理由2:男生自个作为一个actor, 觉得观许多可以给他鼓舞。举例说当扮演一段诙谐戏的时分,底下只

Question:Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.





作者: admin

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